
Reality Check

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Today, I decided to research my birthday in depth, and I ended up learning more about myself than I thought possible. 
While it terrifies me that I may have the same destiny as Bill Cosby, I found this specific snippet to be dead on...

After reading this, there was one question that popped in my head. Were my interests/career predestined? 

Let's see, I have a degree in creative writing and I gave birth to a poetry blog. Welp, I'd say my Zodiac has me pegged pretty damn well. So, I may be the epitome of a July 12th baby but I refuse to believe that I didn't pick these interests on my own. Because it's a tragedy to think that we may not be the writer of our own destiny. 

What do you think? Is it really possible that an individual's birthday could truly define his or her career path, or even future career path? I pose this question to whoever out there is ready for a reality check.

Best wishes, 
Alyssa King

The Belated Valentine

Monday, February 15, 2016

He was late in the worst of ways.
Such a date should not be forgotten!
How true do I stand before him
If he does not stand true before me
If he does not remember the day of which love beats.

He hushed my lips before I could speak,
Held my hand to his heart and sputtered,

"It is not the day that is celebrated, but instead love.
I may be late for yesterday but I will be yours for eternity.
Every day I'll hold you, love you and cherish,
my sweet sweet valentine."


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