

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

I have this sort of seriousness that comes through in my writing, so today I've decided to lift my blog with a little bit of lightheartedness.

I'm one of the few out there who've already decorated for Halloween. Does that make me crazy? No, just a phanatic. This is one holiday I can't get enough of. Who doesn't like scary movies and free candy? Of course, I'm too old to trick-or-treat nowadays but don't think that won't stop me from stealing a kid off the street, dressing him in a new costume, and making him double up on houses. I've seen this tactic done in TV but never thought anyone would have the guts to attempt this trick in reality, up until last year. Kids these days...

TRICKS AND SCHEMES--Scheming is the third best part of Halloween.

Firstly, always gotta make sure you've mapped out the best route. Hills slow you down, Cold-a-sacs and dead-ends force you to backtrack, and the distance between houses should be minimal. But also, you've got to be mindful of the house size. The wealthier the neighborhood, the larger the candybar (generally speaking). The fun size really doesn't cut it these days.
Secondly, the costume plays a large role in the scheme of halloween.  Creating the best costume to make your suppliers notice you in the crowd of other trick-or-treaters is how you will profit you in the end. I'll give you a tip: the cuter the costume the better quality of candy you'll recieve, and if you're lucky, an extra piece. So, draw some freckles on your face, bat those eyelashes, and with a sappy costume you might just win the jackpot.
Thirdly, you'll want to make sure you've brought something large enough to collect with. Don't waste your time with one of those silly jack-o-lantern buckets when you can bust out a pillowcase. This holds 10 times the candy and saves you 2 trips back home. Go BIG or Go HOME. Better work on those biceps.

Happy Halloween!

Black Hole

Friday, September 19, 2014

Get me out of this black depression!
This whole from hell
has sucked the life out of me.
There is nothing I have left
but to remain optimistic and know that
something big is on it’s way.
Something, someone, somewhere
will save me;
Lift me up from my misery,
Take me away from this place
because right now I’m drained.
Physically and emotionally
I’ve tried to learn and evolve
but nothing can awake me.
When I’m here my senses are numb,
my body absorbed by sensless work.
Everyday I enter a hypnotic state
Where my motions never change.
I’ve become a slave
with nothing more to Give,
this black hole has already stolen my soul.
And when I leave to go home
I sit on a couch never to be fazed.
I’m dead inside, lifeless,
and completely un-energized.
My body has been set to repeat
Day in and day out,
I go to work in a trance and drive home in a fog.
Not a tear will escape,
I feel nothing more but cold
Black heartache.

The Absolute Perfect Movie

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

The other day I went for a walk with my fiance. Normally I do this alone to get my creative juices flowing, but this time Alex decided to join me for health purposes. The walk part of this story is completely irrelevent, it's what I got to thinking about on this walk that put me in a puzzled state of mind. While on our walk, my fiance and I got into a heated debate...that's usual for us. He explained that there was no movie on IMBD that has or will ever receive a 10/10 perfect review. Although he was wrong (there are numerous movies with the magical 10/10 review) he got me thinking, is there really such a thing as a perfect movie? Would any film-maker be able to reach that point in his career? I think it is every writer’s dream, every director’s vision, and every producer with dollar signs as eyes to create this unattainable feature, however I’m not sure that it can be accomplished. This picture would have to be so rich in color, heart, dialogue, and appeal that no other movie could possibly top and/or meet this standard. What do you think?


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