
Swinging from heaven

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

The wind flows every which way dancing around you on your throne among the clouds. Your hair twirls mid-air as though gravity were inexistent. Legs pumping back and forth with ease, free of all boundaries. Clouds push and shove for your attention as you flirt with their soft bellies, tickling every pucker between ebb and flow. The air is light, and the sun, cloaked by a tender sheet of puff invisible to those below. This is heaven, for which we all know.

 A sudden roar of thunder shakes everything around, yet, your swinging persists. Naturally, the swollen clouds begin to leak a clear substance, the liquid, not quite conformed to a color, falls upon the soil 3,000 feet below. A rumble in the far distance grows louder. A tearing noise breaks the silence, splitting the air and all that inhabit it. Startled, the clouds burst into tears, shedding their weight as the rain quickly thickens. Soaked from head to toe, you look up smiling, blissfully at peace with the nature that surrounds.

The Metaphorical Mountain

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

My legs tensed up as I tried to maneuver around the jagged rock, fearing that one wrong step could be my last. It was a 300ft drop, but I wouldn’t back down. I had already come so far. Turning away now would be a travesty. I needed to reach the top for my own sake. I needed to know I could climb this mountain and overcome it. I was determined this wasn’t going to be my death, but instead liberate me. Driven by dignity, I tightened my grip on the edge and moved forward with caution. My hands and feet would lead me to my redemption, I was sure. As my heart screamed through my chest my speed remained steady.
With relentless motivation I could finally see the light at the top was near. Reaching for breathe I knew that this was it. I value every moment leading up to that final reach where my hands touched the frozen flat surface and disbelief flooded my face.  Struggling for strength, I mustered every ounce I had left and pulled my lifeless body up the side of the wall. A knee touched and I was in the clearing. Slowly, one foot after the other I stood tall. It was a triumph! All of a sudden, an adrenaline rush filled me and every wonderful feeling hit all at once. As I sprightly danced around, my chains diminished. I had felt a prisoner to that mountain all this time and now I was free.

Hunting Season

Sunday, November 29, 2015

Through the bushes
the call, filled with emotion
a distant scream, "DUCK!"

My reaction is late.
As my head whips around
my body dives
to avoid their aim.

It's too late.
I hear the gunshot
and my heart drops.

Dead silence.

a carcus lies next to me.


Monday, November 23, 2015

Someday, I'll tell a story either to my (someday) kids, or maybe just some bum on the street, or perhaps to a classroom filled of all ages. No matter who I tell, my story will be unique. Afterall, it will be mine. Fiction or not, it will teach a lesson, share a moral, and show its' audience who I am and how this story came to be. But, before that day comes I'll continue to live my life, enjoying friends, sharing moments, building experiences, overcoming obsticles, creating memories, and chasing dreams. So that, when that audience is ready to listen, my story will be ready to be heard.


Thursday, October 29, 2015

You compel me to breathe.
Be what it may, I have no other longing.
It is you that I survive for.
All the matter that makes you, you
Is part of what makes us, us.
Every fiber of my body
Is dominated by your musk.
I bask
You linger
In that perfect moment
You and I become one.


Saturday, August 29, 2015

Sometimes in life you'll find yourself in a room where you barely exist. A place where your words are never heard. A setting where you try to make yourself visible and instead you camouflage into the background as if to be unseen and unwanted. Solitude begins to set in and a numbness accumulates, spreading throughout your body. You unsubtaly slip away yet there's not a change in the room. You stumble out with water filled eyes, but it's not you it's them. It's the situation, to them your just an outsider walking in. No matter how hard you try to fit in there's always going to be that barrier that you can't break, so screw 'em! Walk away, clear your mind, and find a different room.

It's strange to think

Saturday, July 11, 2015

It's strange to think that our bodies are slowly deteriorating over time, and that one day our everyday motions won't feel as simple. First, our knees will give,  arthuritus will begin to set in, our sight and hearing will slowly diminish, and lastly, organ failure.
It's strange to think that eventually we'll revert back to being infants. Incapable of taking care of ourselves, needing constant assistance. Leaving the world as we once entered it.
Sometimes, it's strange to think.

Spring is in the air

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Rain falls, lightening and thunder to break the silence of the air around.
creatures small in size run amuck hunting  for morsels to feed off of-
Wings and feet twirling through the wet air and damp ground.
Smells of blooming florals fill the openness that surrounds.
Vibrant colors flood after the dull of winter-
and finally light again is found.
Beauty is everywhere for Spring is here.

Creature of Games

Monday, January 26, 2015

Flames of Furry blurr my vision and torture my soul. I fight to stay good, whole, sane. I can't afford these sins. What kind of creature am I?
You knock me down like it's a game..."wanna play?" Voices the creature within.
As a being cabable of all feelings and senses, I say this:
You've gained my utter disgust and complete distrust. This game you play gives me heart ache and winning is your forte. Take me for a dummy if that's all you see but beware of the half that's not quite me.
As a devilish beast, I say this:
"Ill scare you when your looking. Ill cut deep when your down. I'll haunt you even after your buried underground. Name of the game, Vengence. This game is mine to win."

New Year New Post

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Happy New Year to the world out there. Exciting journeys are soon to come!

So much to look forward to and so much to look back on. But remember--big or small your journeys define you, so make them count.

Write a list of things you want to do/always wanted to do and spend 2015 achieving greatness. Look back at your list next New Years and see how much you accomplished in a single year.

These are just a few of my Accomplishments from 2014:

  • My boyfriend and I moved in together
  • I got engaged!!!
  • Bridesmaid in a Wedding
  • Visited California for first time with fiance
  • Selected Venue for Wedding
  • Became a full time employee at MIQ Logistics
  • Won 7 Metals in various Corporate Challenge Events
  • Completed my second half marathon
  • Won 1st place in my fantasy football league


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