

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Are there ever times when you hope for a change of heart within yourself?
I know it's an odd thing to think about, but when you're furious and loaded with pent up anger it's best to just take a day or two, or however long you need before proceeding and perhaps hurting someone in the process. Having a change of heart or giving someone a second chance could be a good thing for the other person, but it could also mean you getting hurt again. Not to mention, the issue with waiting things out could be a mistake in itself. So, maybe this issue is reoccurring and waiting every time for your anger to die out is more repetitious than you'd like it to be, or maybe it's a one time thing and you really are overreacting, who's to know?

Life is complex and when you break it down it appears more overwhelming than examining it as a solid whole. In this equation it comes down to who you care about more, you're own feelings or the person's who is repeatably hurting yours?

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