
Creature of Games

Monday, January 26, 2015

Flames of Furry blurr my vision and torture my soul. I fight to stay good, whole, sane. I can't afford these sins. What kind of creature am I?
You knock me down like it's a game..."wanna play?" Voices the creature within.
As a being cabable of all feelings and senses, I say this:
You've gained my utter disgust and complete distrust. This game you play gives me heart ache and winning is your forte. Take me for a dummy if that's all you see but beware of the half that's not quite me.
As a devilish beast, I say this:
"Ill scare you when your looking. Ill cut deep when your down. I'll haunt you even after your buried underground. Name of the game, Vengence. This game is mine to win."

New Year New Post

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Happy New Year to the world out there. Exciting journeys are soon to come!

So much to look forward to and so much to look back on. But remember--big or small your journeys define you, so make them count.

Write a list of things you want to do/always wanted to do and spend 2015 achieving greatness. Look back at your list next New Years and see how much you accomplished in a single year.

These are just a few of my Accomplishments from 2014:

  • My boyfriend and I moved in together
  • I got engaged!!!
  • Bridesmaid in a Wedding
  • Visited California for first time with fiance
  • Selected Venue for Wedding
  • Became a full time employee at MIQ Logistics
  • Won 7 Metals in various Corporate Challenge Events
  • Completed my second half marathon
  • Won 1st place in my fantasy football league


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