
Swinging from heaven

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

The wind flows every which way dancing around you on your throne among the clouds. Your hair twirls mid-air as though gravity were inexistent. Legs pumping back and forth with ease, free of all boundaries. Clouds push and shove for your attention as you flirt with their soft bellies, tickling every pucker between ebb and flow. The air is light, and the sun, cloaked by a tender sheet of puff invisible to those below. This is heaven, for which we all know.

 A sudden roar of thunder shakes everything around, yet, your swinging persists. Naturally, the swollen clouds begin to leak a clear substance, the liquid, not quite conformed to a color, falls upon the soil 3,000 feet below. A rumble in the far distance grows louder. A tearing noise breaks the silence, splitting the air and all that inhabit it. Startled, the clouds burst into tears, shedding their weight as the rain quickly thickens. Soaked from head to toe, you look up smiling, blissfully at peace with the nature that surrounds.

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