
Poker Face

Thursday, September 26, 2013

If someone has four degrees, went to school for 12 years, spent a good portion of his life studying for whatever is to come next you'd assume he'd be well prepared for the world, right? Wrong. After speaking to my restaurant manager last night I found that you can never be prepared. After going through a rough time finding a job I now realize that I'm not alone, there are people out there with more education and more experience than myself who've gone through the same struggles but continue to live as if they have none. Looking at him I could tell that his struggles weren't over and that he was still very much searching, still hoping to find something that relates to what he actually wants to get at in life... but how can someone so intelligent with so much to offer not have found a position when on the opposite side of the spectrum are my friends, who've graduated in four years obtaining only their bachelors, yet still manage to sign their careers with Garmin? And then it dawned on me, it's just the way our cards are dealt. Now I don't believe every part of it is luck but I do however believe if you're in the right place at the right time you may get offered an opportunity that someone out there may have needed more, may have been more qualified for, and may have served more time searching for it. Nevertheless, whether you are dealt a good hand or not you should always keep you're chin up and your head high because bluffing is still a part of the game, and if you do it right you may just wind-up with your own success story.

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